Lifestyle & Wellness Services

Travel Health

If you are planning to travel abroad, Zest Clinic offer a range of travel health services to ensure your health is safeguarded before, during and after your travels.

Benefits of travel health

Making sure your are in good health and fit to travel benefits you, your loved ones and those around you. Vaccinations can keep your immunity levels high and protect you against contagious diseases and prevent the spread of it. Travel health screening can identify any underlying health concerns prior to leaving for your destination country.

How does travel health work?

Travel health covers screenings, prevention, vaccinations and even pre-departure COVID-19 PCR test to ensure your health is safeguarded while you travel. We cater to patients who need a quick and convenient screening or to ensure you are eligible for entry to your destination country.

Travel Health Services

● Pre-departure COVID-19 test
● Travel vaccinations
● Screening
● Prophylaxis (pre- and post-)
● Individual country specific health advice
● Hajj and Umrah vaccinations
● Post travel consultation for travel related illness

What results can I expect from any travel health screening?

Depending on which travel health service you decided to go with, the results you will receive might vary. For most patients, they will have a better understanding of anything that can prevent falling sick abroad or be well protected against diseases with the right vaccine. A pre-departure COVID-19 PCR test will ensure your entry elibility into countries that still require you to show negative results prior to or upon arrival.

When should I go for travel health screenings?

You are encouraged to get a travel health screening or make sure your vaccinations are still valid within the protection window.

This highly depends on the type of vaccination you have done before. The immunity level and length of protection varies between each vaccination. Some vaccination may require an annual update and others can last for a few years.

Frequently asked questions

When should I get vaccinated for my trip?

It may take up to 2 weeks for your immunity to develop after completing a vaccination. It is ideal to book your appointment between 4 to 6 weeks before your planned departure date.

Do I need to do a pre-departure COVID-19 PCT test before I travel?

This depends on your destination country. You will need to check border requirements if a pre-departure COVID-19 PCR test and negative results are required for you to be eligible to travel to. You will also need to check the testing window requirements of your destination country to ensure you have adequate time to take the test and receive your results.

Where can I go for travel vaccination or health screening?

Zest Clinic is conveniently located in Parkway Parade. It is encourage to make an appointment in order for us to promptly serve you.

I have done a travel vaccination before, do I need to do it again?

This highly depends on the type of vaccination you have done before. The immunity level and length of protection varies between each vaccination. Some vaccination may require an annual update and others can last for a few years.
