Aesthetics, Conditions Services


Scars are a natural part of the healing process and can form after an injury, surgery, or certain skin conditions. They result from the body’s attempt to repair damaged skin tissue. While scars are a normal occurrence, they can vary in appearance, texture, and size. Understanding the different types of scars and available treatment options can help individuals manage and reduce their appearance.

Types of Scars

  1. Keloid Scars:
    These scars are characterized by raised, thickened tissue that extends beyond the original wound. They can be itchy, painful, and may continue to grow over time.
  2. Hypertrophic Scars:
    Similar to keloid scars, hypertrophic scars are raised and thickened. However, unlike keloids, they do not extend beyond the boundary of the original wound.
  3. Atrophic Scars:
    These scars result in a depressed or sunken appearance on the skin’s surface. Examples include acne scars or scars from certain infections.
  4. Contracture Scars:
    Contracture scars occur when the skin tightens and restricts movement due to the contraction of underlying tissues. They commonly result from burns or large wounds.

Causes of Scars

Scars can be caused by various factors, including:

  1. Accidental injuries like cuts, burns, or abrasions.
  2. Surgical procedures, including cardiac surgeries, cosmetic surgeries.
  3. Skin conditions such as acne, chickenpox, or eczema.
  4. Genetic predisposition to certain types of scarring.

Scar Reduction Treatments

Topical Treatments

Over-the-counter or prescription creams, gels, or silicone sheets can help reduce the appearance of scars by moisturizing the skin and promoting collagen production.

Laser Therapy

Laser treatments can target specific areas of scarring, reducing redness, improving texture, and stimulating collagen remodeling.


This procedure involves micro trauma to different layers of skin to diminish the appearance of scars. It may be used along with growth factors or stem cell serums.


This involves breaking the adhesions under the scar to release the scar tissue. Often performed using a needle or cannula.

Collagen Stimulators

These biostimulatory substances are placed under the skin to induce collagen production. The new collagen helps to reduce the scar depth and size.The results are long lasting or often permanent.

Steroid Injections

In the case of raised scars like keloids or hypertrophic scars, steroid injections can help flatten and soften the scar tissue.

Surgical Revision

In some cases, surgical procedures may be necessary to remove or improve the appearance of scars, especially for larger or more severe scars.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can scars be completely removed?
While complete removal of scars may not always be possible, various treatments can significantly reduce their appearance, making them less noticeable.

How long does it take for scars to fade?
The time it takes for scars to fade can vary depending on various factors, including the type and severity of the scar, individual healing abilities, and the chosen treatment.

Can scars reappear after treatment?
In some cases, scars can reappear or become more prominent after treatment. However, with proper care and follow-up treatments, the chances of recurrence can be minimized.

Can natural remedies like oils or creams completely remove scars?
While natural remedies may have some benefits, they are often not as effective as medical treatments in reducing the appearance of scars. It is recommended to consult a healthcare professional for appropriate scar reduction options.


In conclusion, scars are a common result of the body’s healing process after an injury or surgery. While they cannot be completely eliminated, various treatments such as topical creams, laser therapy, dermabrasion, steroid injections, and surgical revision can significantly reduce their appearance. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional or dermatologist to determine the most suitable treatment option based on the type, size, and location of the scar. With proper care and treatment, individuals can achieve smoother, less noticeable scars and improve their overall skin appearance.
