Aesthetics Services

Fungal Nail Treatment

What are fungal nails?

Fungal nails are when toenails or fingernails become infected due to the growth of fungi, yeast, or mould. Symptoms of fungal nails include:

● Brown or yellow nails
● Brittled or crumbled nails
● Thickened nails
● Foul odours
● Deformed nails
● White or black spots or markings

What causes fungal nails?

As previously mentioned, fungal nails are caused by the overgrowth of fungus. But why does this happen? Typically, it happens when the nails are confined in moist spaces for long periods of time, allowing fungi to thrive. This is why toenail infections are more common than fingernail infections, especially for those who often keep their feet ensconced in closed shoes and socks.

Fungal nails are also common in humid climates such as Singapore, where the moist environment enables fungi to grow and spread rapidly. Repetitive trauma such as excessive filing from a manicure or pedicure may also lead to a fungal infection.

Other factors that may cause fungal nails include:

● Walking barefoot often
● Living in damp conditions
● Skin-to-skin contact with someone who has fungal infection
● Dry and cracked skin
● Nail injuries or repetitive trauma
● Weakened immune system
● Diabetes
● Poor blood circulation
● Wearing covered shoes for long periods of time
● Using artificial nails often

How does fungal nail treatment work?

If fungal nails are left untreated, infections can become worse and lead to negative side effects such as pain, swelling, and even bleeding. Fungal toenail infections may also make it difficult to walk and wear certain shoes.

Without treatment, fungi can also spread easily to other parts of the body. For those who suffer from diabetes or have a weakened immune system, leaving infections untreated can have severe consequences on their health.

This is why it’s important to seek treatment for fungal nails. Laser therapy is a popular choice for its effectiveness in clearing infections completely.

At Zest Clinic, we offer the following laser therapy treatment for fungal nails:

Suitable candidates for forehead and temple enhancement

Individuals with the following issues are suitable candidates for forehead and temple enhancement:

  • Hollow or depleted looking temple area
  • Wrinkles and fine lines on the forehead
  • Look older than you feel
  • Droopy brow area
  • Saggy eyelids

To get the best results of your procedure you must:

  • Stop smoking: smoking has been known to reduce blood flow to the skin, increasing your chances of tissue damage, and hindering healing and recovery.
  • Stop some medications: certain medications such as aspirins and anti-inflammatory drugs thin your blood making you more susceptible to bleeding during and after the procedure.

Fotona SP Dynamis

This treatment uses a dual wave-length machine to deliver micro-pulses of laser light in controlled high temperatures to the deep layers of infected nails and the surrounding tissue. This process destroys the fungi without damaging the nail or skin. The treatment is quick, safe and harmless with zero downtime.

Benefits of fungal nail treatment
● Effective in removing fungus completely
● Prevents infections from recurring and spreading
● Non-invasive and non-surgical
● Provides immediate relief
● Promotes new and healthy nail growth
● Quick recovery time

What results can I expect?

The results largely depend on the severity of your fungal infection. Generally, after the treatment is complete, patients can expect to see clear improvements in their nails or complete eradication of the infection, along with healthier nail growth.

How many treatment sessions are required?

Laser therapy for fungal nail treatment is usually carried out every week for a period of 3 to 4 weeks. Each treatment session lasts approximately 20 minutes.

Frequently asked questions

What is the main cause of fungal nails?

The overgrowth of microorganisms called fungi often cause fungal infections in the nails, as well as yeast or mould. Evidence also points to gut microbiome imbalance as one of the root causes for chronic fungal nail infections. This condition may be prevalent among people who work in wet environments or wear gloves or boots for long durations.

Can fungal nails be cured completely?

With regular treatment, fungal nails can be cured completely. However, it also depends on the method of treatment and severity of the infection.

Can you cut off fungal nails?

It is best to consult with a certified doctor who may be able to trim off fungal nails if it has not spread further to the nail bed.

When should I see a doctor for fungal nails?

If the symptoms of nail fungus do not go away or worsen, you should seek medical intervention.
